Learning spaces for children: basic factors



OUtline for learning, kids learning spaces 


Children are a different world altogether and there world is magical and full of adventures. Interior designers will have to consider different things when designing learning spaces for children.

Some essential factors that they have to take into account are:   

Available space

There is a direct correlation between the stress levels of children and the amount of space available to them. Spaces that are too large can make children feel insecure, hesitant and lost while spaces that are too small lead to nervousness, aggressive behavior and less quiet play.

Colors and materials 

Color, texture and materials can delineate areas and activities. For example a variety of floor and wall finishes can provide spatial differentiation, tactile entairtenment or even act as a learning tool. 


MORAITIS KINDERGARDEN, colorful kindergarden




Children are small. Their smallness makes them feel weak and fragile. Small-scale furniture, low level windows, cubby-houses, small components into the larger volume, can make them feel competent and ready to cope with new challenges.

 A playful space.

 The environment interacts with children and children love challenges. An interesting and motivating learning space is not just a secure and safe place but a constant challenge. Elements like obstacles, rope ladders, slippery slides, mazes, tunnels will enrich space and will encourage children to hop, run, jump, crawl, climb and imrpove gradually their motor skills. 


Clever storage solutions are essential for a learning space. Children require a lot of things and all these equipment (toys, art material, paperwork, clothing, books, etc) need to be well-organized and stored in safe places. Besides, an overcrowded place, with toys, furniture and equipment all around is stressful and difficult to operate.


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