This year personalize your candles in a quick and economic way with astonishing results!
You will need
White block candles
Decorative napkins
Baking paper
Hair dryer
1. Use the scissors to cut the pattern, image of your preference out of the napkin. Make sure that it fits on the candle. Remove the extra napkin layers keeping only the thin one with the pattern
2. Place your pattern on the candle and roll the baking paper all around the candle
3. With the hair dryer on the highest setting warm the rolled up candle until the napkin cutout is integrated in the candle
(that is when the napkin’s colours seem darker)
4. Leave the candle to cool for a couple of minutes and carefully remove the baking paper
Your candle is ready to take its place among the rest of the decorations
Each napkin can be used to decorate four candles
Watch how decorative candles are made. They are just astonishing!
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