Reader’s question
“I would like to know if I could flank the fireplace in my living room with some constructions. I would also like your advice on furniture placement and paint color choices. The area is 12sqm."
Our recommendation
You can take advantage of the recesses on either side of the fireplace (where you have currently placed a small table and a floor lamp).
You could add a drywall construction to decrease the height of the recesses and another one to create a bench. In each recess you can add a downlight.
The recesses can be used either as a small seating area with cushions, or as a recessed bookcase by adding some shelves or even for firewood storage.
Regarding the color choices, we recommend to paint the recesses with a light color and accent the fireplace with a dark color (e.g. red-brown).
(Fireplace area before)
(Fireplace area after)
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