Readers's questions:
"I want to change the colors in my bedroom (walls, textiles, etc). I am also find interesting Feng Shui influence in our energy. So could you please make a small presentation on feng shui colors for the bedroom".
Our answer:
Feng shui colors promote health, good physical condition and a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy. Even those people that suffer from insomnia could benefit from some colors in their bedroom, based on feng shui knowledge.
Skin colors
Feng shui theory puts forward several natural colors, found for example in forests, lakes, etc. Similarly, the tones found in human skin, like pale white, beige, light brown, etc, could be considered an excellent choice for your bedroom.
Some darker tones, like chocolate and mocha, can also be used, but only to emphasize some details and they should not be used on larger surfaces or as a background. For example, the curtains could be made of a darkfabric. Moreover the dark fabric controls more effectively natural light ensuring peaceful and deep sleep. Another example are the quilt and the pillows, that can also be dark and combined with white sheets.
White and the shades of white, represent purity, innocence, tranquility, and kindness. White is probably the most powerful color in Feng Shui, especially when combined with gold or silver and it can be used dominantly in a room.
Therefore, a totally white room is boring and cold. Thus, more soft colors, they should be added in the white scene like beige and gray.
Black symbolizes money, power, career but it should be used spartingly in a room. However, if you want it's effect you can add a black detail in your bedroom, like for example a decorative lamp with a metal base. The metal, as a material enhances the positive energy of black tones.
The shades of purple and blue
Purple promote emptional and physican healing and increases spirituallity. Blue creates a relaxing atmosphere offering positive energy.
Orange and Red
Red is a fire element. Orange tones inspire creativity while red tones bring luck. Red also inspires passion, confidence and sexual energy. However, if used too much it can cause anger and stress.
The green color
Green tones are refreshing and bring balance and harmony in a room. You can add for example a green rug or a green blanket.
So, what it should be avoided?
All shades of yellow, should not be used excessively in the bedroom since they cause stress. However, yellow color, promote communication and frendliness but sometimes overwelm users and creates tension.
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